Crescent City is a young adult novel written by Sarah J. Maas, published in 2020. The story follows the life of protagonist, Eliana Fonseca, as …
Stone Soup Book Summary: A Captivating Tale of Collaboration and Generosity by Marcia Brown
Marcia Brown’s celebrated folktale, Stone Soup, has been a beloved children’s tale for generations. First published in 1947, it has since sold over 1.5 million …
Ariadne By Jennifer Saint Book Summary
Ariadne is a novel written by the American author Jennifer Saint, and published in 2018. It tells the story of three women – Ariadne, Silvia, …
Longest Ride By Nicholas Sparks Book Summary
The Longest Ride by Nicholas Sparks is a popular novel that has sold over six million copies worldwide and was adapted into a major motion …